
Enrich Bible Study
WITH Pastor Wayne
Enrich Bible Study is an opportunity to explore the scriptures in an informal setting with much group discussion.
Enrich Bible Study breaks for the summer and starts up again in the Fall.
Wednesday Night
Kid’s Ministry
Various Teachers
We understand the importance of sharing Jesus to people of all ages and that is why every Wednesday Night while the adults are in bible study, we offer an age appropriate learning environment for your kids.
We have classes for pre-school through 6th grade taught by well qualified volunteers and staff to make sure the generations to come will continue to live and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Beauty from Ashes
Women’s Ministry
Everyday women. Everday lives. Everyday testimonies. On the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month we gather in a setting that offers worship, varying select women will share their personal faith walk and a time of connection to grow into a deeper walk and love for Christ. Please join us anytime you are able to experience something beautiful.
Corporate Prayer
Open to Public
“Encounter” is a time set apart for prayer and praise.
Every month on the first Thursday of the month, we encourage you to join us in corporate prayer for our nation for our church for whatever need you might have.
There is power in groups of people agreeing together in prayer as outlined by Jesus in Matthew chapter 18, so join us as we gather together and seek the Lord.

Lighthouses of Prayer
In addition to our monthly corporate prayer meetings, we meet once a month in homes around the area to pray together in a more intimate setting. Please contact the church office if you are interested in joining or hosting a lighthouse group.
Men’s Grub n Chew
A chance for men to eat some grub and chew on the Word of God. Each month, we meet at a restaurant, have a meal, and do a devotion together. Specific times and places vary and are in the weekly church bulletin.

Children’s Church
Do you have younger children? We offer an age-appropriate environment for them to have fun while learning about Jesus. During the Pastor’s sermon upstairs, children 3-6 may go downstairs to have church with other kids their age to have a snack, do a craft, and hear a short bible-based teaching.